Регистрация домена .mq / Мартиника

От 56172,00 ₽/год


Если вам требуется зарегистрировать домен .mq в кратчайшие сроки, то вы можете обратиться к официальному регистратору SideNames. Они предлагают низкие цены на регистрацию в зоне .mq, что делает их одним из наиболее доступных и надежных регистраторов на рынке. SideNames - это компания, специализирующаяся на регистрации доменов различных зон, включая .mq. Их эксперты имеют богатый опыт в этой области и могут помочь вам зарегистрировать домен .mq в кратчайшие сроки. При регистрации домена .mq, вы можете быть уверены в безопасности и надежности предоставляемых услуг. SideNames обеспечивает защиту ваших данных и гарантирует конфиденциальность личной информации, чтобы вы могли спокойно использовать свой домен в сети Интернет. Кроме того, SideNames предлагает гибкую систему ценообразования, что позволяет нашим клиентам выбрать наиболее подходящий вариант регистрации для их бюджета. Независимо от вашего размера компании или вашей личной потребности, SideNames гарантирует, что вы найдете наиболее выгодное и доступное предложение для регистрации домена .mq. Для того чтобы зарегистрировать домен .mq на сайте SideNames, вам необходимо выполнить несколько простых шагов. Сначала, вам нужно выбрать подходящее имя домена, которое будет идентифицировать вашу компанию или личный проект в Интернете. Затем, следуйте инструкциям на сайте SideNames, чтобы заполнить необходимые данные и осуществить оплату за регистрацию. После завершения регистрации домена .mq, вы получите полный контроль и доступ к настройкам своего домена. Вы сможете управлять DNS-записями, настраивать электронную почту и создавать поддомены. SideNames также предоставляет техническую поддержку, которая всегда готова помочь вам решить любые возникающие вопросы или проблемы. Таким образом, если вам нужно зарегистрировать домен .mq в короткий срок и по низкой цене, SideNames является идеальным выбором для вас. Их профессиональная команда сделает все возможное, чтобы обеспечить качественное обслуживание и удовлетворить ваши потребности в регистрации домена .mq.
Мы предлагаем регистрацию доменов в расширении .mq по цене от . Вы также можете зарегистрировать доменное имя на более длительный срок, если это разрешено правилами регистрации доменов. Выбрать срок регистрации для доменного имени, а также узнать стоимость регистрации в выбранной доменной зоне вы можете в корзине во время оформления заказа.
Разрешена ли регистрация домена .mq частным лицам? Да
Разрешена ли регистрация домена .mq организациям? Да
Есть ли запрещённые к регистрации имена доменов в зоне .mq?
Нарушение прав третьих лиц, использование или деятельность, которая противоречит общественному порядку и законам Мартиники запрещены. Для полного списка ограничений смотрите FAQ.
На какой срок разрешено регистрировать доменные имена .mq?
Регистрация доменов в зоне .mq возможна на период (в годах) 1-10.

Сколько времени займет процесс регистрации доменного имени .mq?
Время регистрации домена .mq в фазе общей доступности займет примерно 2 Дня.

Какие символы и какое количество символов допустимо для доменных имен .mq?
Доменные имена должны: состоять минимум из 4 и максимум из 63 символов;начинаться с буквы или цифры и заканчиваться буквой или цифрой;использовать английский набор символов и могут содержать буквы (a-z, A-Z), цифры (0-9)
и тире (-) или их комбинацию;не начинаться и не заканчиваться тире;не содержать тире в качестве третьего и четвертого символов (например www.ab--cd.mq);не содержать пробел (например www.ab cd.mq).

Услуга "Доверенное лицо" для доменов .mq.
Услуга Доверенного Лица (Trustee Service) поможет вам решить большинство требований локального присутствия, когда есть ограничения на регистрацию домена. Услуга Доверенного Лица недоступна для этого домена

Предоставляет ли Sidenames услуги хостинга для доменов .mq?
Sidenames предлагает хостинг и сервис электронной почты для .mq. Вы можете добавить хостинг, услуги Email и SSL сертификаты при оформлении заказа или связавшись с нами.

Могу ли я переместить от вас свой домен, если я использую услугу Доверенное лицо)? (трансфер домена)
Услуга "Доверенное лицо" (trustee) не может быть перенесена при трансфере домена. Если вы используете услугу "Доверенное лицо", то прежде, чем начать процедуру переноса (трансфера) к другому регистратору, согласно правил доменной зоны .mq, вам необходимо изменить контактные данные владельца домена.

Могу ли я скрыть мою регистрационную информацию (Скрытие WHOIS)?
Нет. В настоящее время доменная зона .mq не предоставляет возможности скрытия информации о владельце домена. Вся информация (имя, адрес, электронная почта и т.д.) будет отображаться в WHOIS.

Существует ли льготный период продления для доменов .mq?
Для различных национальных доменов верхнего уровня (ccTLD), а также для интернационализированных доменных имён (IDN) период льготного продления может отличаться. Некоторые реестры могут требовать продление домена ранее, напр. за 60 дней до даты окончания срока регистрации. Это ваша ответственность проследить, чтобы плата за продление домена была внесена заблаговременно до указанной Sidenames даты, независимо от даты окончания срока регистрации домена. Отсутствие оплаты до указанной Sidenames даты может повлечь дополнительные расходы на восстановление вашего доменного имени .mq.
Со для даты окончания регистрации и до момента, когда домен может быть зарегистрирован снова, может потребоваться время на период восстановления. И в случае, если вы не уплатили вовремя - ваш сайт будет недоступен, по этому очень важно, чтобы вы внесли оплату своевременно до даты, указанной Sidenames.

Какой Реестр управляет доменными именами .mq?

Правила урегулирования споров для доменов .mq?
Special conditions of registration and renewal of domain names
These are agreements between

Mediaserv society, SAS with a capital of 1 000 000 €, registered at the RCS of Pointe-a-Pitre as No. 351 555 792, whose headquarters is located SecID Tower, 6th Floor, Place Renovation of, 97110 Pointe-à-Pitre. The Director of the Site is Mr. Ehsan Emami as manager.
And any person or entity, private or professional, whether privately or public law, wishing to make the registration, renewal or transfer Domain Name, hereinafter "the Client".

Mediaserv informs the Customer that the domain names are assigned for use in the eligible party who is the first to file an application with the Unit Registration, as technically correct manner and in accordance with present and their annexes, priority criterion commonly called "principle first come, first served ". The registration shall be valid only after paying the required fees, except offers Special promotional.
In case of conflict between these policies and conditions general, special conditions prevail.
In case of contradiction between these Special Conditions and Annexes, Annexes prevail.
Mediaserv is authorized to issue on behalf of its clients domain names and proceed with their renewal.
The Client has the opportunity to conduct the registration of domain names available, according to current offers.

Any reservation request implies acceptance and subject to prior administrative and technical rules governing the naming domain name sought and acceptance, where available, the rules of conflict resolution can arise between the owner of the domain name and any third party claiming rights on all or part of the name. The naming rules are, if any, specified in Annex.
2.1 The Customer Service carries out its detailed entry on the site: www.domenic.com.
2.2 It provides the opportunity for all elements likely to make registering the domain name requested.
The Customer will therefore provide the name and full address of the person in whose name which the domain name is registered (the Holder), the name and contact complete the administrative contact (administrative contact), the billing contact (Billing contact) and the technical contact (technical contact), as well as its full name, address, phone number and information about the individual or legal person responsible for the technical operation of the domain name.
It will also provide the primary server IP addresses and possibly secondary, for the chosen domain name.
The intelligence of the entire form determines the admissibility of the registration procedure.
Any information the incomplete form will result in the failure to register.
Customer claims to have received a mandate to all persons whom he discloses coordinates, not only for recording and communicating the name and coordinates, but their collection and publication on the Internet.

2.3 Mediaserv is only subject to an obligation of means.
The indication Mediaserv by the availability of the domain name on its website www.dom-enic.com is indicative only. It is the same for confirmation booking by e-mail when registration formalities completed and Regulation enregistré. Seule validation Mediaserv after verification and actual registration by the registry or by the supervisory authority will be worth recording. This validation is done 2 maximum working days after confirmation, unless special difficulty that it reads for information notified to the Customer by email or on the site.
Mediaserv is in no way responsible for any data contained in the Whois database or any database equivalent, or their updates.

2.4 If an element of the reservation request should be an addition, a accuracy or modification, Mediaserv notify her by e-mail query, to which the Customer agrees to respond within a maximum of 2 days working.
During this period the domain name selected is not subject to a reservation as provisional, and is not subject to any prior art. However, if the domain name is subject to a reservation for this response time, inform the Mediaserv Customer who will make a new choice of available domain name.
Assuming Mediaserv would not be able to provide the service ordered by the customer due to a failure of the customer regardless of the nature (Provision of documentary evidence, correction of erroneous information ...), Mediaserv reserves the right to cancel the order and refund the customer.

2.5 The Client declares that the information sent to Mediaserv as sincere and accurate and the waiver of any checks on this point.
Mediaserv reserves the right at any time to suspend the domain name which contact him appear as fanciful.

2.6 Renewal
In the absence of full payment for the renewal before it expires, Mediaserv not effect the renewal desired by the Client. The Client receive an e-mail notification service stop at the anniversary date thereof.
Mediaserv may undertake erasure service from D + 7 days depending on anniversary date of renewal, the Customer will receive an email notification to inform them of the cancellation of the service.

These are valid for the duration of chosen name registration area, including duration of a possible renewal of the domain name, notwithstanding the causes of termination set forth below without limitation.
In addition to cases in general terms, Mediaserv reserves the right to terminate this Agreement if:
3.1 of providing false information when registering or renewing domain name, 3.2 for non-compliance with rules prescribed by ICANN or by a supervisory authority, including those listed in the Annex, which is binding on the parties,
3.3 of non-payment of amounts due in respect of the registration or renewal of the domain name,
3.4 of breach of public order, laws and customs in force.

4.1 The provision of false personal information, including an attempt to get a domain name on an almost anonymous, is prohibited and will ipso facto termination of account and or related domain names.
4.2 The Customer shall bear the full consequences of any kind they are, including monetary sanctions, in case he has not received the mandate persons who shall send the names and contact details for registration of a name domain.
4.3 Mediaserv will endeavor to ensure within a reasonable time updating information under its control.
4.4 Similarly, the Customer assumes full responsibility for the data reported and Mediaserv ensures that the person in whose name the domain name is registered has expressly or impliedly authorized to do so. Mediaserv can be held responsible for all cases where the mandate entered into between the Owner and the Customer is not valid, the agreement with only a relative effect, limited to contracting parties.
Therefore, the invalidity of office will operate transfer law of any liability to the Customer exclusively.
4.5 The Customer will remain the same responsible for all acts and events related to name registered domain, if a license would be granted to a third party. It therefore belongs to the Customer to operate itself any useful check on the use of domain name under the rules of both ICANN's authority or supervision, and contract rules enacted by Mediaserv.
4.6 The Customer shall, if necessary, to comply with the court procedure of dispute resolution applicable to the disputed domain.

5.1 Assignment
The transfer of the domain name by the Customer to a third party shall bind Mediaserv the following conditions: - the receipt by Mediaserv of notification of assignment by letter with notification of receipt,

Regulation of transfer fees for change of Licensee to Mediaserv by either party,
The possible signing of transfer documents from the registry and respect the transfer procedure specific field.

5.2 License
The license, however, even exclusively, in no case enforceable against Mediaserv, even when it is notified.
Accordingly, in the latter case, the domain name registrant remains the privileged interlocutor of Mediaserv and solely responsible with respect to Mediaserv acts and uses made in respect of the use and operation said domain name.

It is the Customer, prior to any reservation, to make any verification suitable thing to do.
In particular, it will take care not to infringe:

A distinctive front, whether a trademark right or a right related to a name, sign or trade name, an appellation of origin or geographical indication,
A right of personality,
Or a copyright.

In general, the Customer shall be aware that the domain name:

Does not affect public order, or laws and customs in force,
Is not defamatory or racist,
Is not likely to be regarded as speculative or abusive.

Mediaserv, for information, accurate to the Customer, hereby, that no researched prior to the registration of a domain name, can Train under the sole responsibility of Customer, infringement actions and / ordéloyale. MEDIASERV competition also informs the customer that certain names, for example geographical concepts and / or geopolitical, or likely to prejudice public order, may not be appointed.

Any third party claim justified by a court judgment, including summary proceedings, or by a determination resulting from the application of mediation or arbitration of names area, will be supported in full by the Customer.
Under these procedures, the Customer may, without notice, be deprived of domain name registered in case of transfer of the domain name in favor of third have lodged appeals. The domain name at issue may also be suspended during the procedure and to its outcome.
If, on the occasion, Mediaserv was questioned, the customer would report free Mediaserv for all costs incurred by this procedure, whatever the cause and consequences, and whatever nature, that is to say a procedure or proceeding to mediation or arbitration.
Include the costs included in the financial obligations relating to technical interventions, the costs of the proceedings and the fees auxiliaries of Justice.
The same rules apply to requests from registries, ICANN or regulators.

The request to delete data by Customer will always termination of these, since it must be worth erasing data Records requested by the regulatory authorities and managing databases inline.
Indeed, the data required for the online publication databases managing domain names are considered public. The Customer can not therefore object to its publication, except to seek termination concomitantly of these contractual provisions.
In any event, the Customer has at any time a right of access to data concerning him for verification of registration data Conserved Mediaserv.

Mediaserv agrees not to transmit the data it has in the single purpose of ensuring the implementation of the service.

10.1 forced cancellation or transfer
Any court judgment enforceable served Mediaserv and any award duly notified to arbitration taking Mediaserv transfer or cancellation of the name domain registered by the Customer will be executed in the state and on the field by Mediaserv without prior notice to Customer.

10.2 Transferring or voluntary cancellation
Any voluntary transfer of domain name registration change of Unit can be done under the conditions of field. Transfer to Mediaserv be effective upon confirmation of the transfer by the registry.
The transfer from Mediaserv will be used from the request made before expiration, the Customer's behalf by the new Recording Unit chosen under reserves no proceedings pending, or non-contentious, between the Client and Mediaserv, or if using a third party, and subject to conditions transfer domain specific.
The non-renewal of a domain name expired date will amount to a cancellation
Domain Name and will, upon the date and time of cancellation, the domain name canceled or not renewed, available.
The Customer shall not mean any transfer of a domain name subject to a recourse.

10.3 Financial Conditions
Any transfer, the transfer or cancellation of the domain, whatever the cause, not result in any refund of amounts collected by Mediaserv, except to demonstrate effective responsibility.

10.4 Bankruptcy
If the Customer is subject to liquidation proceedings, has suspended business activities, development reorganization or other similar procedure, during the registration period of the domain name, the designated representative may request the transfer of assets to the purchaser Holder's domain name in along with submission of appropriate documentation.

According to the Consumer Code, in Article L. 121-20-2 "the right withdrawal may be exercised (...) for contracts to supply goods made according to the consumer's specifications or clearly personalized (...) ".
Customer acknowledges that the registration of a domain name with Mediaserv is, because the choice made by the Customer on the radical and the extension selected, the provision of such a well customized to the meaning of Article précité.Dès then the customer is expressly informed that he can not, under these provisions, exercising his right to withdraw the registration of the domain name controlled.
Nor can this right be exercised by the Customer on renewal of recording.

The rules laid down by ICANN, the supervisory authorities and registers relating to domain names, apply law to these contractual relationships.
Similarly, any change in conditions binding Mediaserv with the registry, ICANN regulators or apply law, immediately and without prior information of the Customer expressly agree that these amendments are to be to Mediaserv.

Mediaserv and Registry reserve the right to the domain name of the Customer Waiting for the resolution of a dispute.
Mediaserv and Registry reserve the right to suspend or cancel the name of Customer's domain if it uses the domain name to send the unsolicited commercial advertisements in contradiction to the laws applicable to the policy or Acceptable Use usual Internet, or if the Client uses its domain name for illegal activity.