Регистрация IDN домена .قطر

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Вы можете легко зарегистрировать домен .xn--wgbl6a или .قطр на сайте официального регистратора SideNames. У нас низкие цены на регистрацию в зоне .xn--wgbl6a или .قطر, что делает процесс доступным для всех. Мы гарантируем быструю и эффективную регистрацию домена, чтобы вы могли быстро запустить свой веб-проект или онлайн-бизнес. Необходимо упомянуть, что домен .xn--wgbl6a представляет IDN (Internationalized Domain Name), что означает, что он поддерживает использование символов из разных языков, включая кириллицу. Зарегистрировав домен .xn--wgbl6a, вы можете создать привлекательный и легко запоминающийся адрес для вашего сайта. Это особенно полезно, если вы обслуживаете аудиторию, говорящую на русском или других языках, использующих кириллические символы. В то же время, регистрация домена .قطر открывает новые возможности для тех, кто хочет привлечь арабскую аудиторию. .قطр представляет собой IDN для Катара, что позволяет использовать арабские символы в доменном имени. Это отличный способ создать сильную присутствие в онлайн-мире для вашего бизнеса, связанного с Катаром или арабскким рынком. SideNames гордится предлагать низкие цены на регистрацию в зоне .xn--wgbl6a и .قطر. Мы стремимся обеспечить доступность и удобство для всех клиентов, независимо от их бюджета. Вместе с тем, наша команда экспертов всегда готова оказать Вам поддержку и консультацию на всех этапах регистрации. Зарегистрируйте домен .xn--wgbl6a или .قطры на сайте SideNames и возьмите первый шаг к созданию успешного онлайн-присутствия. Мы гарантируем быструю обработку заявок и надежную защиту вашего доменного имени. Не упустите возможность использовать уникальные IDN домены для укрепления вашего бренда и достижения большего в онлайн-среде.
Мы предлагаем регистрацию доменов в расширении .قطر по цене от . Вы также можете зарегистрировать доменное имя на более длительный срок, если это разрешено правилами регистрации доменов. Выбрать срок регистрации для доменного имени, а также узнать стоимость регистрации в выбранной доменной зоне вы можете в корзине во время оформления заказа.
Разрешена ли регистрация домена .قطر частным лицам? Да
Разрешена ли регистрация домена .قطر организациям? Да
Есть ли дополнительные требования, документы или информация для регистрации домена .قطر?
Компании: Номер бизнес регистрации. Физические лица: действующее удостоверение личности или паспорт.
Есть ли запрещённые к регистрации имена доменов в зоне .قطر?
Нарушение прав третьих лиц, а также названия доменов и деятельность, противоречащая морали, религии и законодательству Катара, запрещены. Полный список ограничений смотрите в разделе FAQ.
Есть ли дополнительная информация о домене .قطر?
Это IDN на арабском языке, арабскими символами. Эти символы: قطر переводятся как "Катар" ("Qatar"). Использование эквивалентно расширению .QA.
На какой срок разрешено регистрировать доменные имена .قطر?
Регистрация доменов в зоне .قطر возможна на период от 1, 2 and 5 года (лет).

Сколько времени займет процесс регистрации доменного имени .قطر?
Время регистрации домена .قطر в фазе общей доступности займет примерно 1 Неделя.

Какие символы и какое количество символов допустимо для доменных имен .قطر?
16. Composition Requirements for Domain Names in the Arabic Script
16.1. Arabic Script Domain Names in the under the IDN ccTLD Suffix قطر. will consist of an User Form ("U-label Form") AND a corresponding DNS Form ("A-Label Form").
16.2. The User Form of the Domain Name must:
16.2.1. be in Unicode Normalisation Form C (NFC);
16.2.2. consist only of Arabic Script Unicode Code Points present in the Tables of Allowed Letters, Numbers and Special Characters defined in Appendix A;
16.2.3. have a minimum of 2 characters in each Label;
16.2.4. not begin with a digit (English ASCII character set digits OR Arabic digits);
16.2.5. not contain BOTH English ASCII AND Arabic digits;
16.2.6. neither begin with nor end with a hyphen(-);
16.2.7. not contain hyphens in the third and fourth positions (e.g. www.ab- -cd.qa); and
16.2.8. not include a space (e.g. www.ab cd.qa).
16.3. The DNS Form of the Domain Name must:
16.3.1. have no more than a maximum of 63 characters in each Label;
16.3.2. be the ASCII Compatible Equivalent of a valid User Form as described in Section 16.2., the label will: use the English ASCII character set and may contain letters (i.e., a-z), digits (i.e. 0-9) and hyphen(-) or a combination of these;Domain Name Registration Policy begin with a letter or a digit and end with a letter or a digit; neither begin with, nor end with a hyphen; and not include a space (e.g. www.ab cd.qa).

16.4. In the case where only one of the User Form or DNS Form is requested, then its corresponding form will be determined automatically by the Qatar Domains Registry’s Domain Name Registry System and both forms must pass the composition requirements of this Section 16.
17. Arabic Script Domain Name Variants
17.1. The purpose of Arabic Script Domain Name Variants is to alleviate confusion that may be caused by Arabic Characters that are similar to one another.
17.2. The form of the Arabic Script Domain Name selected by the Registrant at the time of Registration is known as the Primary Arabic Script Domain Name.
17.3. The intent of Arabic Script Domain Name Variants is that if the Variant is substituted for the Primary Arabic Script Domain Name by a user, the same end result would be achieved.
17.4. The Arabic Script Domain Name Variants (if any) will be associated with the Primary Arabic Script Domain Name for the term of the Domain Name Licence Period.
17.5. Arabic Script Domain Name Variants (if any) associated with the Primary Arabic Script Domain Name will have the same Domain Name information as the Primary Arabic Script Domain Name.
17.6. By default all Arabic Script Domain Name Variants are NOT activated at the time of Registration of the Primary Arabic Script Domain Name, subject to Section 17.7and Section 17.8.
17.7. Automatic activation of Arabic Script Domain Name Variants:
17.7.1. The Qatar Domains Registry will automatically activate Arabic Script Domain Name Variants based on the equivalent Characters listed in the Active Variants Table of Appendix A.
17.8. Manual activation of Arabic Script Domain Name Variants:
17.8.1. Variants may be activated at the request of a Registrant at any time during the Domain Name Licence Period.
17.8.2. Variants may only be activated by the Registrant’s Sponsoring Registrar.
17.8.3. Only Arabic Script Domain Name Variants that conform to the composition requirements described in Section 16. may be activated.
17.8.4. The maximum number of Active Arabic Script Domain Names Variants must not exceed five (5) in total.Domain Name Registration Policy
17.8.5. Requests activate two (2) or more Arabic Script Domain Names Variants may be subject to review by the Qatar Domains Registry.
17.9. Provisioning of Arabic Script Domain Name Variants:
17.9.1. It is the Registrants responsibility to ensure that any details required to ensure the correct operation of the Active Arabic Script Domain Name Variants of the Primary Arabic Script Domain Name are in place.
17.9.2. Active Arabic Script Domain Name Variants must not be managed independently of the Primary Arabic Script Domain Name, either in the DNS or by any other means.
17.10. Registrants of Arabic Script Domain Names may not sell, rent, lease or otherwise relinquish control of to another party, any Active Arabic Script Domain Name Variant to their Primary Arabic Script Domain Name.
17.11. An Arabic Script Domain Name Variant may be added or removed at any time by the Qatar Domains Registry at its sole discretion.

Услуга "Доверенное лицо" для доменов .قطر.
Услуга Доверенного Лица (Trustee Service) поможет вам решить большинство требований локального присутствия, когда есть ограничения на регистрацию домена. Услуга Доверенного Лица недоступна для этого домена

Предоставляет ли Sidenames услуги хостинга для доменов .قطر?
Sidenames предлагает хостинг и сервис электронной почты для .قطر. Вы можете добавить хостинг, услуги Email и SSL сертификаты при оформлении заказа или связавшись с нами.

Могу ли я переместить от вас свой домен, если я использую услугу Доверенное лицо)? (трансфер домена)
Услуга "Доверенное лицо" (trustee) не может быть перенесена при трансфере домена. Если вы используете услугу "Доверенное лицо", то прежде, чем начать процедуру переноса (трансфера) к другому регистратору, согласно правил доменной зоны .قطر, вам необходимо изменить контактные данные владельца домена.

Могу ли я скрыть мою регистрационную информацию (Скрытие WHOIS)?
Нет. В настоящее время доменная зона .قطر не предоставляет возможности скрытия информации о владельце домена. Вся информация (имя, адрес, электронная почта и т.д.) будет отображаться в WHOIS.

Существует ли льготный период продления для доменов .قطر?
Для различных национальных доменов верхнего уровня (ccTLD), а также для интернационализированных доменных имён (IDN) период льготного продления может отличаться. Некоторые реестры могут требовать продление домена ранее, напр. за 60 дней до даты окончания срока регистрации. Это ваша ответственность проследить, чтобы плата за продление домена была внесена заблаговременно до указанной Sidenames даты, независимо от даты окончания срока регистрации домена. Отсутствие оплаты до указанной Sidenames даты может повлечь дополнительные расходы на восстановление вашего доменного имени .قطر.
Со для даты окончания регистрации и до момента, когда домен может быть зарегистрирован снова, может потребоваться время на период восстановления. И в случае, если вы не уплатили вовремя - ваш сайт будет недоступен, по этому очень важно, чтобы вы внесли оплату своевременно до даты, указанной Sidenames.

Какой Реестр управляет доменными именами .قطر?
Чтобы посетить сайт реестра, пройдите по ссылке: ictQATAR | Qatar Domains Registry.

Правила урегулирования споров для доменов .قطر?
The most recent source for .قطر domains dispute policy can be found at: www.domains.qa/en/policies/dispute-resolution-policy
Domain Name Dispute Resolution
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Document Contact
Contact the following for details related to this document:
Title Policy Officer
Qatar Domain Registry, Supreme Council of Information &
Communication Technology (ictQatar), Doha - Qatar
Email [email protected]
Qatar Domains Registry Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy
1. Definitions

The following words were used in this Policy will have the meaning ascribed to them below;

"Administrative Panel or "Panel means a panel appointed pursuant to and for the purpose of this Policy as amended from time to time;

"Complainant means the party initiating a complaint concerning a Domain Name;

"Panellist means an individual appointed by a Provider to be a member of a Panel;

"Provider means the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center, the URL for which is

"Registrar means the entity with which the Respondent has registered a domain name that is the subject of a complaint.

"Registrant Agreement means the agreement between a Registrar and a Domain Name holder.

"Respondent means the holder of a domain-name registration against which a complaint is initiated.

"we, "our or "us to refer to the Qatar Domains Registry; and
"you and "your to refer to a Registrant of a Domain Name.

2. Purpose

This Qatar Domains Registry Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (the "Policy) has been adopted by the Qatar Domains Registry, and is incorporated by reference into your Registrant Agreement, and sets forth the terms and conditions in connection with a dispute between you and any party other than the Registrar or us over the Registration and use of a Domain Name Registered by you. Proceedings under Section 5 of this Policy will be conducted according to the Rules for Qatar Domains Registry's Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (the "Rules of Procedure"), which are available at:
http://www.wipo.int/amc/en/domains/ , and the supplemental rules of the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center.
This Policy shall not deprive any party of it's legal rights.

3. Your Representations
By applying to Register a Domain Name, or by asking a Registrar to maintain or Renew a
Domain Name Registration, you hereby represent and warrant to us and to that Registrar that:

a) the statements that you made in your Registrant Agreement are complete and accurate;

b) the Registration of the Domain Name will not infringe upon or otherwise violate the rights of any third party;

c) you are not registering the Domain Name for an unlawful purpose; and

d) you will not knowingly use the Domain Name in violation of any applicable laws or regulations.
It is your responsibility to determine whether your Domain Name Registration infringes or violates someone else's rights.

4. Cancellations, Transfers, and ChangesWe or the Registrar will cancel, transfer or otherwise make changes to Domain NameRegistrations under the following circumstances:

a) subject to the provisions of Section 9, upon receipt by us or by the Registrar of written or appropriate electronic instructions from you or your authorised agent to take such action;

b) upon receipt by us or the Registrar of an order from a law enforcement authority in the State of Qatar requiring such action; and/or

c) upon receipt by us or by the Registrar of an order from a court or arbitral tribunal, in each case of competent jurisdiction, requiring such action; and/or
d) upon receipt by us or by the Registrar of a decision of an Administrative Panel requiring such action in any administrative proceeding to which you were a party and which was conducted under this Policy or a later version of this Policy adopted by the Qatar Domains Registry. (See Section 5(i) and (k) below.)

We may also cancel, transfer or otherwise make changes to a Domain Name Registration in accordance with the terms of your Registration Agreement or other legal requirements.

5. Mandatory Administrative Proceeding

This Section sets forth the type of disputes for which you are required to submit to a mandatory administrative proceeding. These proceedings will be conducted before the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center, (the "Provider). The Qatar Domains Registry may include or add, from to time, any other Providers as it deems appropriate.

a) Applicable Disputes

You are required to submit to a mandatory administrative proceeding in the event that a third party (a "Complainant) asserts to the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation
Center, in compliance with the Rules of Procedure, that:

(i) your Domain Name is identical or confusingly similar to a trademark or service mark in which the Complainant has rights; and

(ii) you have no rights or legitimate interests in respect of the Domain Name; and

(iii) your Domain Name has been Registered or is being used in bad faith.

In the administrative proceeding, the Complainant must prove that the required elements are present.

b) Evidence of Registration and Use in Bad Faith
For the purposes of Section 5(a)(iii), the following circumstances, in particular but without limitation, if found by the Panel to be present, shall be evidence of the Registration and use of a Domain Name in bad faith:

(i) circumstances indicating that you have Registered or you have acquired the
Domain Name primarily for the purpose of selling, renting, or otherwise transferring the Domain Name Registration to the Complainant who is the owner of the trademark or service mark or to a competitor of that Complainant, for valuable consideration in excess of your documented outof-pocket costs directly related to the Domain Name; or

(ii) you have Registered the Domain Name in order to prevent the owner of the trademark or service mark from reflecting the mark in a corresponding Domain Name, provided that you have engaged in a pattern of such conduct; or

(iii) you have Registered the Domain Name primarily for the purpose of disrupting the business of a competitor; or

(iv) by using the Domain Name, you have intentionally attempted to attract, for commercial gain, Internet users to your web site or other on-line location, by creating a likelihood of confusion with the Complainant's mark as to the source, sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement of your web site or locationor of a product or service on your web site or location.

c) How to Demonstrate Your Rights to and Legitimate Interests in the Domain Namein Responding to a ComplaintWhen you receive a complaint, you should refer to Section 5 of the Rules of Procedure in determining how your response should be prepared. Any of the following circumstances, in particular but without limitation, if found by the Panel to be proved based on its evaluation of all evidence presented, shall demonstrate your rights or legitimate interests to the Domain Name for purposes of Section 5(a)(ii):

(i) before any notice to you of the dispute, your use of, or demonstrable preparations to use, the Domain Name or a name corresponding to the
Domain Name in connection with a bona fide offering of goods or services; or
(ii) you (as an individual, business, or other organization) have been commonly known by the Domain Name, even if you have acquired no trademark or service mark rights; or

(iii) you are making a legitimate noncommercial or fair use of the Domain Name, without intent for commercial gain to misleadingly divert consumers or to tarnish the trademark or service mark at issue.

d) Selection of Provider
Until such time as additional Providers are appointed by the Qatar Domains Registry, all complaints shall be submitted to the WIPO Mediation and Arbitration Center.
Should additional Providers be approved by the Qatar Domains Registry, the Complainant shall select the Provider from among those approved by Qatar Domains Registry.

e) Initiation of Proceeding and Process and Appointment of Administrative Panel
The Rules of Procedure state the process for initiating and conducting a proceeding and for appointing the panel that will decide the dispute (the "Administrative Panel).

f) Consolidation
In the event of multiple disputes between you and a Complainant, either you or the
Complainant may petition to consolidate the disputes before a single Administrative
Panel. This petition shall be made to the first Administrative Panel appointed to hear a pending dispute between the parties. This Administrative Panel may consolidate before it any or all such disputes in its sole discretion, provided that the disputes being consolidated are governed by this Policy or a later version of this Policy adopted by the Qatar Domains Registry.

g) Fees

All fees charged by the Provider in connection with any dispute before an Administrative Panel pursuant to this Policy shall be paid by the Complainant, except in cases where you elect to expand the Administrative Panel from one to three Panellists as provided in Section 5(b)(iv) of the Rules of Procedure, in which case all fees will be split evenly by you and the Complainant.

h) Our Involvement in Administrative Proceedings

Neither we nor any Registrar will participate in the administration or conduct of any proceeding before an Administrative Panel. In addition, neither we nor any Registrar will be liable as a result of any decisions rendered by the Administrative Panel.

i) Remedies

The remedies available to a Complainant pursuant to any proceeding before an
Administrative Panel shall be limited to requiring the cancellation of your Domain Name or the transfer of your Domain Name Registration to the Complainant.

j) Notification and Publication

The Provider shall notify the Registrar and us of any decision made by an Administrative Panel with respect to a Domain Name you have Registered with the Registrar. All decisions under this Policy will be published in full over the Internet, except when an Administrative Panel determines in an exceptional case to redact portions of its decision.

k) Availability of Court Proceedings

The mandatory administrative proceeding requirements set forth in Section 5 shall not prevent either you or the Complainant from submitting the dispute to the courtsof competent jurisdiction for independent resolution before such mandatory administrative proceeding is commenced or after such proceeding is concluded.

If an Administrative Panel decides that your Domain Name Registration should be cancelled or transferred, the Registrar will wait ten (10) business days (as observed in the location of the Registrar's principal office) after the Registrar is informed by the applicable Provider of the Administrative Panel's decision before implementing that decision. The Registrar will then implement the decision unless the Registrar has received from you during that ten (10) business day period official documentation (such as a copy of a writ or summons file-stamped by the clerk of the court) that you have commenced a lawsuit against the Complainant in the jurisdiction to which the Complainant has submitted under Section 3(b)(xiii) of the Rules of Procedure. (The jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Qatar). See
Sections 1 and 3(b)(xiii) of the Rules of Procedure for details.) If the Registrar receives such documentation within the ten (10) business day period, the Registrar will not implement the Administrative Panel's decision, and the Registrar will take no further action, until the Registrar receives:

(i) evidence satisfactory to us of a resolution between the parties;

(ii) evidence satisfactory to us that your lawsuit has been dismissed or withdrawn; or

(iii) a copy of an order from such court dismissing your lawsuit or ordering that you do not have the right to continue to use your Domain Name.

6. All Other Disputes and Litigation

All other disputes between you and any party other than the Registrar or us regarding your
Domain Name Registration that are not brought pursuant to the mandatory administrative proceeding provisions of Section 5 shall be resolved between you and such other party through any court, arbitration or other proceeding that may be available.

7. Our Involvement in Disputes

Neither we nor the Registrar will participate in any way in any dispute between you and any party other than the Registrar or us regarding the Registration and use of your Domain

Name. You shall not name either the Registrar or us as a party or otherwise include either the Registrar or us in any such proceeding. In the event that either the Registrar or us are named as a party in any such proceeding, the Registrar and we reserve the right to raise any and all defences deemed appropriate, and to take any other action necessary to defend ourselves.

8. Maintaining the Status Quo

Neither the Registrar nor We will cancel, transfer, activate, deactivate, or otherwise change the status of any Domain Name Registration under this Policy except as provided in Paragraph 4 above.

9. Transfers During a Dispute

a) Transfers of a Domain Name to a New Holder
You may not transfer your Domain Name Registration to another holder:

(i) during a pending administrative proceeding brought pursuant to Section 5 or for a
period of fifteen (15) business days (as observed in the location of the Registrar's principal place of business) after such proceeding is concluded; or

(ii) during a pending court proceeding or arbitration commenced regarding your
Domain Name unless the party to whom the Domain Name Registration is being transferred agrees, in writing, to be bound by the decision of the court or arbitrator.
We reserve the right to cancel any transfer of a Domain Name Registration to another holder that is made in violation of this subparagraph.

b) Changing Registrars
You may not transfer your Domain Name Registration to another Registrar during a pending administrative proceeding brought pursuant to Section 5 or for a period of fifteen (15) business days (as observed in the location of the Registrar's principal place of business) after such proceeding is concluded.
You may transfer administration of your Domain Name Registration to another Registrar during a pending court action or arbitration, provided that the Domain Name shall continue to be subject to the proceedings commenced against you in accordance with the terms of this Policy.

10. Policy Modifications

We reserve the right to modify this Policy at any time. We will post our revised Policy at our website. . Unless this Policy has already been invoked by the submission of a complaint to the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center, in which event the version of the Policy in effect at the time it was invoked will apply to you until the dispute is over, all such changes will be binding upon you with respect to any Domain NameRegistration dispute, whether the dispute arose before, on or after the effective date of our change. In the event that you object to a change in this Policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your Domain Name Registration with the Registrar, provided that you will not be entitled to a refund of any fees you paid to the Registrar. The revised Policy will apply to you until you cancel your Domain Name Registration.